Tips from specialist recruiters: how to successfully recruit executive employees

Executives have an undoubtable impact on any business, whether that be positive or negative. That’s why hiring an executive requires special preparation and consideration. Don’t believe us? Think about what your business would look like without one of the executives. Hiring executive leaders into your team has different stakes compared to hiring other employees. Executive…

By Mahli Hill

Executives have an undoubtable impact on any business, whether that be positive or negative. That’s why hiring an executive requires special preparation and consideration. Don’t believe us? Think about what your business would look like without one of the executives.

Hiring executive leaders into your team has different stakes compared to hiring other employees. Executive leaders have the power to influence your organisation’s culture, teams, and how the business will reach its goals. Finding the right executive candidate for your team with high leadership qualities will ensure your business is set up for success.

A lot of preparation is required when hiring executive employees. Hiring an executive yourself is possible and I’ve listed key points for your due diligence below. However, if you’d a consultative partner to assist in your search, these points illustrate how Fuse’s services will help you to secure the right person for these high-stake positions.

Use a strong network and connections to link with passive candidates

Passive candidates are those who are not actively looking for a new role but may be open to an appealing opportunity. Given our consultants’ combined experience recruiting for and working frontline in our specialist industries, we have built a pool of passive candidates.

Approaching passive candidates is a more robust method of sourcing than you might think. 20% of roles are filled by passive candidates. It works because passive candidates are those we already know and have worked with in the past. We already know if they possess leadership qualities and already know their background and experiences.

Additionally, the more senior the position, the less likely you are to receive the right applicant through a job ad. This is where targeted sourcing and headhunting is successful.

In today’s market, reaching out to passive candidates will massively increase your chances of filling your role with the right fit. According to SEEK, the number of job ads in May had risen again for the fifth consecutive month, meanwhile job applications dropped by another 2.3 per cent month-on-month. With fewer applicants, finding the right fit by relying on job ads alone will be difficult. Fuse consultants will use a combination of their networks, our databases and recruitment platforms to cast a wide net in search of skilled executive talent.

Keep a busy executive engaged throughout the hiring process

Hiring an executive requires a slightly different strategy. Executives are very busy people and it can be hard to keep them engaged throughout the recruitment process. They would often prefer to speak directly to hiring managers, so you need to be prepared to meet such requests.

Our team can liaise to organise times to meet through busy schedules and will conduct any necessary follow-ups to ensure the candidate feels their needs have been addressed.

Tailor the opportunity for the right candidate

In most cases, the new role or vacancy will exist before you have a candidate in mind. Nevertheless, you should always think about key selling points of the role that may appeal to the type of candidate you are trying to attract.

At this point in an executive’s career, they are more selective about the organisations they choose to work with and work for. They know their reputation and experience is valuable to employers and will use this to their advantage if they have multiple roles to choose from. To lock in an executive candidate, you will need to act fast, present your best foot forward and have answers up your sleeve for any questions they will ask.

Prepare by considering what their career aspirations might be, whether they have any children and how you could support them as a parent, or any other motivations where you or your organisation could be of influence. Our consultants are experienced in executive recruitment and will help you identify what your ideal candidate may be seeking.

After hearing what potential new employees are after, you may find yourself tailoring the role responsibilities to suit their career aspirations or creating new benefits that you can also provide for current employees. Whatever it may be, flexibility and catering to new needs will work in your favour.

Demonstrate how your organisation will value the new executive employee

Tailoring the role and providing additional benefits is one way of attracting an employee but showing how you will care for them will matter tremendously if you want the employee to stay. This includes any benefits, salary and role responsibilities.

Again, keeping their career aspirations and motivations in mind will ensure you’re meeting their needs. If you’ve promised benefits, be sure to follow through. Candidates will make quick judgements about an organisation and whether it is right for them.

On another note, it might be beneficial to send a gift to the new employee. All new employees at Fuse receive a welcome pack so they feel they are a part of the team. Given the high stakes, it may be worth giving a gift that is meaningful to the new hire. Something that shows that you care and are thoughtful.

You should now have the preparation you need to source an executive employee who will majorly impact your business. If you’d prefer a consultation with us to tailor a recruitment strategy, fill out the form on this page and we’ll be in contact shortly.

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